The positive effects of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback on Chemo-Brain and TBI

Chemo Brain reversal- A new research study shows the effectiveness of neurofeedback as a way to restore brain function for people suffering cognitive impairment (chemo brain) as a result of chemotherapy. NeurOptimal® was the neurofeedback system used in this study. Click here chemobrain study

The positive effects of NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback on brain trauma and chemo brain have been seen in several studies conducted in recent years. Although the “brain-retraining” programs have been around for many years, they have improved in many ways in recent times.

Technological advances have made it easier for therapists or trainers to offer treatment. More and more people have been trained to provide the therapy, which means there is more access to the treatment than ever before. Benefits have been seen for problems ranging from addiction and anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder and now, what many people call “chemo-brain”.

Chemotherapy causes a kind of brain fog according to those undergoing treatment and cancer survivors. Scientists refer to the brain fog as “cognitive impairment”. Chemotherapy drugs have an effect on brain cells that can last for as long as a year after treatment stops. One can rightly say that chemotherapy is a form of brain trauma. Researchers believe that, “Neurofeedback, unlike compensatory strategies currently recommended by the National Cancer Institute and other major cancer centers, has the potential to restore cognitive function.”

In one study, 23 breast cancer survivors participated. They were all over the age of 40. The amount of time that had passed since chemotherapy ranged from 6 months to 5 years. Each of the participants received two 33-minute training sessions per week for ten weeks.

In order to measure the positive effects of neurofeedback on brain trauma and chemo brain, the researchers used a variety of inventories and questionnaires. Symptoms reported by the participants included memory problems, difficulty concentrating, trouble making decisions, sleep disturbances, difficulty solving problems and general psychological distress. Improvements were seen in all of these areas, with the greatest improvement seen in areas related to cognitive function: difficulty concentrating, trouble with making decisions, memory problems and difficulty solving problems.

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Elise Thomson 816-305-2414

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