How does NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback work?

Do you have trouble relaxing after work?
Does it take you more than 15 minutes to fall asleep?
Do you struggle to focus on a specific task during the day?

The various things we do during a normal day require different levels of consciousness and awareness. Your brain needs tremendous flexibility to shift from one “mode” to another. The heightened state of awareness necessary to complete a work task is obviously not the best state for sleep. That’s why brain flexibility is so important.

NeurOptimal® is essentially a brain workout. It trains your brain to be more flexible and resilient. Without pushing it in any specific direction, the NeurOptimal® neurofeedback system interacts with your central nervous system in a way that improves neural plasticity. A mind that is more flexible adapts and responds quicker and more appropriately to changes in your environment.  The more easily your brain adjusts to changes encountered in a normal busy day, the better you feel. A lack of brain fitness, on the other hand, can leave you drained and stressed at the end of the day.

NeurOptimal® can also help build brain resilience, or an increase in the central nervous system’s ability to “bounce back” from a negative event.  Negative feelings associated with a personal conflict or bad day at work can hover hours after the actual event has passed. The destructive effect of nervousness, repetitive or self-critical thinking is magnified in more severe events such as physical or emotional trauma or the loss of a loved one. Instead of staying stuck in the negativity of these events, the resilient brain will snap back and return to its normal baseline more quickly. Individuals with a more resilient brain report feeling happier and enjoying a more profound sense of peace.

  The Particulars

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback monitors your brainwaves and alerts your central nervous system when it is not functioning smoothly.When brain activity shows signs of turbulence, the music within the NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback software is momentarily interrupted. This subtle cue alerts your brain that it is operating inefficiently.  With repeated training sessions, the brain learns to “reset” itself and function more smoothly.  All of this learning is non-invasive and happens outside your conscious awareness. Over time, NeurOptimal® adjusts itself automatically in response to your brain's activity, individualizing the training microsecond by microsecond to your own brain’s functioning. Sound simple?  That’s because it is simple.  The true complexity of the neurofeedback training is embedded in the NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback software.  Just think of NeurOptimal® as an Olympic gymnastics coach or yoga instructor. Like a human teacher, the neurofeedback machine points out and corrects your form as you train. As you get better, the level of brain training difficulty increases automatically.  With practice, your brain fitness (i.e. brain flexibility and resilience) naturally improves and becomes more natural and efficient. As a result of the training, you can maintain a healthy brain and become more effective in your personal and professional life. Need more technical, detailed information? Click Here..

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Elise Thomson 816-305-2414

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